Coaching & Editorial Services

Megan Zavala can't wait to partner with you to polish your book into something that will wow readers, inspire others, and change lives!  


Power Coaching Call:

  • Send Megan up to 50 pages of content prior to this 60-minute phone or Zoom call, during which she will review and offer feedback.

  • During your session with Megan, you will discuss in detail any questions or concerns you have regarding your book project, as well as create a personalized road map for facing any current writing blocks, mindset issues, and any style- or content-related problems.  

($325 per 60-minute call)

To schedule a power coaching call, click here to drop megan an email - she can’t wait to chat!

Manuscript Assessment:

Congratulations - you’ve finally done it! You’ve written your book, but now maybe you’re not sure if it is ready for readers.

  • Megan will perform an in-depth read-through of your material.

  • She will outline any areas that need addressing before you move forward (as well as cheer you on for all of your fabulous strengths, too!).

  • She will also address any concerns future agents, editors, and readers might have, and send you off with a battle plan for finally making your final draft final.

    ($1000 for 100 pages or less; longer manuscripts can be assessed for an additional fee)

To order a manuscript aSSESSMENT, click the link below, or click here to drop megan an email - she looks forward to reading your manuscript!

Monthly Coaching Program:

Let’s work together to achieve your publishing dreams! Each month you receive:

  • Two (2) 60-minute coaching calls, during which we will lay out the plan for the month, address any concerns or roadblocks, and celebrate the accomplishments you have made!

  • Additionally, you will receive unlimited email access to Megan - this means unlimited manuscript revisions and support.  

($1250 per month, with a 3-month commitment)

To learn more about monthly coaching, click here to drop megan an email - she can’t wait to connect!