I'm going to be honest with you

Happy New Year!

I have a confession to make.

I have not been practicing what I preach.

You may have noticed things have been a bit quiet on my  Facebook  and  Instagram , and that I haven't sent out too many emails from me lately.

There are lots of reasons why:

*3/4 of my family coming down with strep throat

*1/2 of my family coming down with a mysterious viral infection



*New Year's

*Technical difficulties



But you know what? That's life.

Would a small business coach chastise me for not posting on social media every single day? Maybe. Would that same coach shake their head at my quietness on the newsletter front? Maybe.

But here's what we need to remember: when we are setting goals, we need to be realistic.

That doesn't mean we can't "dream big" - that just means we need to be aware of our limits and figure out the steps we CAN take it order to make these dreams come true.

You want to write a book, but you probably can't write for eight hours a day - so maybe you set the goal for 20 minutes a day instead.

And if you miss a day once in a while, is it the end of the world? No.

The important thing to remember is that you need to stay focused, and stay accountable, but also be kind to yourself. The more we beat ourselves up, the less likely we are to keep moving forward with our goals, and the more likely we are to just give up and deem ourselves failures.

What is YOUR big goal for 2023? What do you need to do in order to achieve it?

Write me back and let's figure out some realistic steps to get you from start to finish.

Here's to a fabulous year, and here's to you and your book!


PS - Have you checked out my  Reading Nook  yet? This is one of my new passion projects that I'll be growing in 2023. I've put together reading suggestions for you - books that I think are excellent representations of something (understanding of the author's target audience, atmosphere, sense of place, structure, etc.).