book proposals

Let’s talk about book proposals: The Marketing Plan

Let’s talk about book proposals: The Marketing Plan

Your marketing plan is a biggie because publishers (and therefore literary agents) are more concerned with author platforms than ever. In addition to having the basics – an author website (a non-negotiable), social media, and so on – it’s important that you have a way of illustrating how you are currently interacting with potential readers/book buyers. This is what you have been doing, what you are doing now AND what you will be doing in the future.

Let’s talk about book proposals: the Competitive Analysis

Let’s talk about book proposals: the Competitive Analysis

The point of the Competitive Analysis is to show agents and editors that you are savvy, and to illustrate that there is already a market for a book like yours – and then illustrate for them why your book deserves a spot on bookstore shelves. There is a good chance that you are already pretty familiar with other successful books in your genre/subject area.